Finally, Fragments 2.0 introduces several frequently requested settings options. Among these, I think the most important is the ability to change the default folder for torrents that have not been completely downloaded yet.
The ability to remote control your downloads can have a considerable impact. With Fragments 2.0, the app finally gets a similar feature, allowing users to remote control other installations of Fragments and Transmission torrent clients.
torrent 2.0
The popular multi-platform bittorrent client qBittorrent has gained support for libtorrent 2 and the BitTorrent 2.0 protocol in the git master tree at GitHub. There is no time-frame for a stable release using it.
BitTorrent 2.0, defined in BEP52 all the way back in January 2008, is a big upgrade to the existing BitTorrent protocol. It uses SHA-256 instead of the now very insecure SHA-1 hash algorithm, it has a much more efficient directory structure in the .torrent files and the pieces of files within a torrent are represented by merkle hash trees.
One potentially fun advantage of the new .torrent file format is that individual files within a .torrent get their own hash. That could be used to participate in two or more public swarms if two or more torrents happen to contain the same file(s). There is no code for such a cross-leaching feature as of today, but is in theory quite possible.
BitTorrent clients have been very slow to implement the new BitTorrent 2.0 protocol. libtorrent-rasterbar 2.0, released in October 2020, was the first widely used BitTorrent library to full support it and all its features.
The popular qBittorrent client, available for macOS newer than High Sierra, Windows 7+ and Linux, is built on the libtorrent-rasterbar library. The latest stable v4.3.3 release from January 2021 uses libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.
The current qBittorrent git tree can now be built against libtorrent-rasterbar v2.0.2. Doing so enables most of the new features BitTorrent 2.0 offers. It is still possible to build qBittorrent git against libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.12 in case anyone prefers the old and more widely tested library.
qBittorrent is currently not capable of taking full advantage of libtorrent-rasterbar 2.0.2 in all areas. It will sometimes use a SHA1 hash when it should be using a SHA256 hash and there are some other minor issues that should be resolved before there is a public release with rebuilt binaries using libtorrent-rasterbar 2.
None of the qBittorrent developers were willing to event hint at when a qBittorrent release using libtorrent-rasterbar 2 will take place. There is, on the other hand, a time-frame for when a qBittorrent release ported to the new Qt6 toolkit (qBittorrent is currently built against Qt5) will take place:
qBittorrent is mostly developed by just three people: sledgehammer999, who values his/her privacy, Mike Tzou, from Taiwan, and Vladimir Golovnev. There are currently 2261 open issues at the projects issue tracker so it is safe to assume that they would appreciate the help of you are a developer with spare time to spend on a popular and widely used free software project.
uTorrent (pronounced "MicroTorrent" mean micro Î) is a Peer-to-peer BitTorrent client, designed for the distribution of files at high speed. With only 600k (approx) and 7MB memory, the software is very simple to use: to start a download the user has to simply inform the torrent file he wants to get address, so he can share and download large files very easily. If necessary, it is possible to adjust some settings: setting the bandwidth with priorities, scheduling downloads, RSS auto-downloading and DHT and downloading can begin. The application supports downloading multiple files simultaneously and offers management of is appropriate UPnP. It has a minimalist interface that immediately makes it an ideal choice for a novice user.
La aplicación para descargar torrents que probablemente sea la favorita de muchos (incluida esta servidora) y una de las mejores (de lejos), liberó una nueva e importante versión para 2022. qBittorrent v4.4.0 es especialmente relevante porque finalmente añade soporte para torrents v2 junto al soporte para libtorrent 2.0.x.
Si no sabes de qué estamos hablando, es básicamente lo mismo que conocemos como BitTorrent v2, el protocolo P2P que todos amamos y que se renovó en 2020 con el lanzamiento de libtorrent 2.0. Esta nueva versión ofrece muchas ventajas frente a la anterior, y basta con actualizar qBittorrent a su última versión para comenzar a disfrutar de él.
BitTorrent v2 comenzó inicialmente como un proyecto para mover los torrents del algoritmo de cifrado SHA-1 a SHA-256, es decir, una forma de mejorar el algoritmo de hash seguro que mantiene las partes de los torrents que descargamos.
Sin embargo, la versión 2 hace más que eso, particularmente evitando tener que descargar partes grandes de un archivo si la comprobación de un hash falla. Esto quiere decir que los torrents v2 se descargan más rápido y son más confiables.
Con v2, los metadatos de los torrents son más pequeños, lo que recorta la latencia cuando añadimos un enlace magnético ya que se necesitan descargar menos bytes antes de que la descarga del torrent pueda iniciar.
Para disfrutar de esto solo tienes que actualizar qBittorrent. Puedes descargar la versión 4.4.4 para Windows, Linux o macOS. Ha tomado un tiempo para añadir el soporte, y aunque las mayoría de las funciones son retrocompatibles con BitTorrent v1, no lo son todas, pero se han nombrado de forma cuidadosa para que v1 y v2 puedan convivir.
De hecho, hace tiempo es posible crear torrents híbridos que pueden participar en enjambres de la versión 1 y la 2 al mismo tiempo sirviendo los mismos archivos. Por supuesto, si creas o descargas un torrent v2 con el nuevo qBittorrent todo debería ir incluso mejor que antes.
One tracker per line. This is not strictly required, but most torrents use atracker as their main source of peers. The URL should be an or udp:// URL to a server running a BitTorrent tracker thataccepts announces for this torrents info hash.
One URL seed per line. You can have any number of URL seeds. For a single filetorrent, this should be an HTTP URL, pointing to a file with identical contentas the file of the torrent. For a multi-file torrent, it should point to adirectory containing a directory with the same name as this torrent, and allthe files of the torrent in it.
libtorrent is a feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation focusingon efficiency and scalability. It runs on embedded devices as well asdesktops. It boasts a well documented library interface that is easy touse. It comes with a simple bittorrent client demonstrating the use ofthe library.
Starting with version 2.0, libtorrent supports BitTorrent V2 (as specified inBEP 52). BitTorrent V2 introduces a new format for .torrent files, which generallyhas a smaller info-dict than the original format. The .torrent files still containpiece hashes by default, but they can also be downloaded from peers.
The hash tree allows validating payload received from a peer immediately, downto 16 kiB blocks. In the original bittorrent protocol a whole piece would haveto be downloaded before it could be validated against the hashes.
The fact that each file has its own hash tree, and that its leaves are definedto be 16 kiB, means that files with identical content will always have the samemerkle root. This enables finding matches of the same file across differenttorrents.
The new format for torrent files is compatible with the original torrent fileformat, which enables hybrid torrents. Such torrents that can be used both asV1 and V2 and will have two swarms, one with V1 and V2 clients and one with onlyV2 clients.
All disk I/O in libtorrent is done asynchronously to the network thread, by thedisk io threads. Files are mapped into memory and the kernel's page cache isrelied on for caching disk blocks. This has the advantage that the disk cachesize adapts to global system load and memory pressure, maximizing the cachewithout bogging down the whole system. Since memory mapped I/O is inherentlysynchronous, files can be accessed from multiple disk I/O threads.
The piece picker is a central component in a bittorrent implementation. The piece pickerin libtorrent is optimized for quickly finding the rarest pieces. It keeps a list of allavailable pieces sorted by rarity, and pieces with the same rarity, shuffled. The rarestfirst mode is the dominant piece picker mode. Other modes are supported as well, andused by peers in specific situations.
When implementing a bittorrent cache, it doesn't matter how the data is stored on disk, aslong as it can be retrieved and seeded. In that case a new disk I/O class can be implemented(inheriting from the disk_interface) that avoids the unnecessary step of mappingpieces to files and offsets. The storage can ignore the file boundaries and just store theentire torrent in a single file (which will end up being all the files concatenated). The mainadvantage of this, other than a slight CPU performance gain, is that all file operations wouldbe page (and sector) aligned. This enables efficient unbuffered I/O, and can potentiallylead to more efficient read caching (using the built in disk cache rather than relying on theoperating system's disk cache).
One of the design goals of the libtorrent API is to make common operations simple, but stillhave it possible to do complicated and advanced operations. This is best illustrated by examplecode to implement a simple bittorrent client:
Or if you have a BitTorrent client and would like to help save us bandwidth money, as well as the bragging rights of downloading legal torrents via RSS, get our Torrent Feed at ClearBits.
There are two common problems with Docker volumes: Paths that differ between the Sonarr and download client container and paths that prevent fast moves and hard links.The first is a problem because the download client will report a download's path as /torrents/My.Show.S01E01/, but in the Sonarr container that might be at/downloads/My.Show.S01E01/. The second is a performance issue and causes problems for seeding torrents. Both problems can be solved with well planned, consistent paths. 2ff7e9595c